instagram bio ideas

 Instagram bio ideas

Nowadays, your Instagram bio is essentially a portfolio, website, and cover letter all rolled into one.

And given that you only have a few seconds to introduce yourself and demonstrate your value, how do you choose which details to include?

We take care of you. In order to leave a lasting impression.

You have 150 characters in your Instagram bio to explain who you are, what you offer, and why people should follow you. 

While Shakespeare never had to write an Instagram bio (and let's face it, the man wasn't known for being concise), we live in a charming time in history. It is stressful to type those fateful words into your profile, and for good reason: When deciding whether or not to follow you on Instagram, your bio is frequently the first thing that other users will look at.

Learn everything you need to know about Instagram bios and how to write one that would fit into a three-act play in the following section. Why do you have a bio?


Here are 10 ideas for your bios:

  1.  Funny bios on Instagram 
  2.  Quotes from Instagram bios
  3.  Creative bios for Instagram 
  4. Cool bios on Instagram 
  5. Brief bios on Instagram

Instagram bios that are funny:

Unfortunately, trying to be funny is worse than nothing. Keeping it real is the key to a funny Instagram bio, like this one from a drink company.
Another way to have fun is to play to your audience and accept how they see your brand.

Quotes for Instagram bios :

Using quotes from Instagram bios can be a great way to say something or feel connected.

You could make use of a saying, a line from a song or poem, or any other phrase that will have significance to potential followers. If you use someone else's words, just be sure to give credit where credit is due.
You can easily copy and paste these five quotes into your Instagram bio.

  • Aristotle said that we are the source of our own happiness.
  • All of us are born naked, and the rest are in drag—RuPaul
  • We can't expect change if we wait for another person or another time, according to Barack Obama.
  • Lucille Ball once said, "I'd rather regret the things I have done than the things I haven't done."
  • Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge.

 Creative bios for Instagram:

A bio may only be 150 characters, but that’s more than enough to stretch that creative muscle. During the launch of Netflix’s Heartstopper, the company changed their bio to an invite for the main actors to start a band.

Cool bios on Instagram:

Don't introduce yourself in a way that makes it easy for people to recognize you, which is the biggest branding error. For instance, the majority of people would classify Serena Williams as a tennis star. She says nothing more than "Olympia's mom" in her Instagram bio. That's cool because it feels very authentic to her.

Brief bios on Instagram:

Speaking of short, if you don't need 150 characters, don't use them. Using fewer words strengthens the words you do use and really makes a statement.
Or, you can go completely the other way and write a brief bio that only a few people will understand. You are you.


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